
Book to Screen / House to Hollywood

Want to write the next "Hunger Games"? Well, first consider this...although you have a great book, some books are just not adaptable! Most stories are just not cinematically interesting or have that commercial appeal. We'll help you determine the cinematic value of your book before moving on to the services we provide. Through Their Eyes Books was created by Award Winning Filmmakers with real credits, so when we tell you we can get you there, we can and have! Film companies and studios option and buy screenplays daily. Having a script adapted from an actual book gives a writer a huge advantage...because after all, this is a story from an already published author. But first, you need a script! Not just any script, a great script! We provide you with everything you need to make the best impression on Hollywood!!

If applicable, you'll receive:
  • Instant access to our entertainment reps, managers and agents who can walk your story into any film company and studio you desire.

  • A professionally written synopsis, treatment and screenplay written by a professional screenwriter.

  • Once completed, your screenplay will be pitched to 3 film companies that we're currently working with (these companies have the capability to option or purchase your screenplay if it meets their scope and vision).

  • Or simply have our Hollywood reps submit your work to the studio or production company of your choice.

*Disclaimer of Terms and Conditions apply!

Contact us today, we'd love to hear your story!


Through Their Eyes Books, LLC

447 Broadway, 2nd Floor,

New York, NY 10013